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Parking Fee, Vehicle Passage, License Plate Reading and Guidance Systems

​Parking lot pricing, vehicle access and guidance systems are systems that provide entry, exit and parking area management for vehicles in parking lots. These systems allow parking lot operators to regulate vehicle traffic, collect parking fees and direct customers. Here is more information about parking lot pricing, vehicle access and guidance systems:

​Parking Fee Systems

​Parking lot pricing systems allow for the determination and collection of parking fees as vehicles enter and exit the parking lot. These systems usually consist of components such as barrier crossing points, toll booths, payment points and automatic payment machines.

Drivers register their vehicles with a ticket or smart card when entering the parking lot and pay when they exit. Parking lot pricing systems can offer different pricing methods, time-based or hourly pricing can be applied.

License Plate Reading Systems

​Instant full control can be provided with license plate reading systems at the entrances and exits of your parking lot. Vehicles that abuse your parking lot can be detected with their license plates. In addition, your loyal customers who visit your parking lot regularly can be easily seen. It is possible to obtain this and many similar statistical information from the system. With the blacklist to be created, unwanted vehicle license plates that are requested to be warned when entering the parking lot can be defined in the system and these vehicles can be warned to the user when entering the parking lot.

Again, license plate reading systems can be used for your subscribers to pass to an authorized area, and they can enter and exit the parking lot without using any personnel card or HGS (Fast Pass System).


In addition, various information can be provided with electronic indicators to be added to the system.

Some applications made with the license plate reading system;

* Ticketless Parking Fee

* Site or Residence entrance and exit control

* Control of entrances and exits of subscriber parking lots

* Keeping license plate records for security purposes at all entrances and exits

Guidance Systems

​Guidance systems are used to direct drivers to the correct parking area inside or outside the parking lot. These systems usually use LED screens, signboards, arrow direction indicators or voice guidance systems. Guidance systems regulate traffic flow and ensure efficient use of parking areas by showing customers empty parking areas or road directions. Guidance systems can also be designed to meet special requirements such as determining emergency exits or disabled parking spaces.

Parking fee, vehicle passage and guidance systems provide parking operators with the opportunity to work efficiently. These systems regulate vehicle traffic and enable drivers to find parking areas quickly and easily. At the same time, they ensure that parking fees are collected correctly and the occupancy status of the parking lot is monitored.

As a result, parking fee, vehicle passage and guidance systems are systems used to manage vehicle traffic in parking lots, collect parking fees and direct drivers to the correct parking area. These systems provide parking operators with an effective management opportunity and provide convenience and safety to drivers.